Milk margarine “SunFood” is made of vegetable fats with milk, emulsifiers and flavors addition.
Margarine is a high-calorie product. The consistency of the product is similar to butter, thus it can be used instead of butter. It contains vitamins PP, A, E as well as a number of trace elements (magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, calcium) which are necessary for human body. Milk margarine does not contain trans-fatty acids.

Thanks to its pleasant creamy taste and aroma, milk margarine is an ideal product for side dishes and sandwiches. The new improved formula provides excellent quality and versatility.
It is recommended for cooking, particularly for baking shortbread cookies, cakes and pastries. It has a pleasant aroma due to the content of natural milk and is perfect as a dressing for potatoes, cereals, pasta, vegetables and other dishes.
The company offers 250g margarine with 82% fat content.